Friends, don't you think that human race is slowly becoming insensitive and forgetting the basic reason why they are human being?? Its better to be a tree who has all characters what human being should posses... So this post is about learn from tress to become more human. hope you all like it....
What do you observe when you look at a tree?
Which gives us oxygen completely free.
Anger never makes its head hot & red,
Though we peacefully rest in its shade.
It never shows us intolerant attitude,
Though we never repay our gratitude.
Which gives us oxygen completely free.
Anger never makes its head hot & red,
Though we peacefully rest in its shade.
It never shows us intolerant attitude,
Though we never repay our gratitude.
Ask yourself once what for the society have you done,
Except sharing statuses on fb and twitter sitting alone.
Even if you have donated some money for the blind or lame,
Don't you feel shame that for that good work you want name and fame?
Have you once compared your help with that of tree,
Who never asks for compliment even if everything it provides is free.
Yeah that's the fact my friend.
We have become so insensitive on this land.
We always blabber our own success,
And always want to show others that we are no less.
We always want to document our happiness in pictures,
Because showing others that we are happy has become our true nature.
We don't usually help others because our heart says so to us,
There's always some motive, else who has time to help in this rush??
Life has become so unpurposeful and sad,
That we have forgot ourselves and only think that others shouldn't say us bad.
We, the human race the greatest among all,
Are slowly forgetting what actually ranks us above all.
Compassion, selflessness, help are just few ethics,
Which human have forgotten and are slowly becoming sick.
If you really wanna learn something, from tree please try to learn,
Just do everything with passion & integrity, and respect you shall earn.
Don't blow your own trumpet if you have done something good,
Do it for your own happiness and be as calm as the wood.
We are humans because we possess feelings, emotions for other beings,
Please don't forget this simple line for which we are termed human beings.
Help others who need it and don't yell it loud,
The happiness is self realized, don't always follow the crowd.
Hope the whole human species learn something from tree,
Who never asks us why we inhale oxygen for free... :-)
P.S. The basic education includes characters like sympathy, compassion and help for others.
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