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A fter almost 3 months, I am blogging. This time its a story which is already there on my fb page. Happy reading. Sunaina, a girl of 24 years in the suburbs of Odisha was readying herself to leave her own home. The home of her own parents. It is 6 am in the morning. The night that just passed brought a big change in her life. From a cute cuddly daughter and sister, she has now become someone’s wife. She knows her husband well, but still she is not able to understand why she’s having that heartache. Silently, sitting in her room, tears were flowing down from her eyes. She was thinking how to control her tears. But she was unable to hold them back. Slowly, the door opened and she tried to wipe out her tears. Her brother silently stood and stared at her. She looked up and said, “Bhaiya, what happened?” Her brother, Manas entered the room and sat near her. “Sister, do you remember when you were six and I was eight, we played as kids with me performing your marriage. Do you


Two lovers. One left the other. And then they meet again to have a small conversation. One loves to love and for the other, love is a sign of weakness.. A short poem - A CONVERSATION. "Who are you", she asked me. "The man who proposed you bending on his knees, The man with whom you spent hours talking under the tree. The man for whom your eyes once twinkled, that man is me." "Don't bore me with your rhyming lines." "But you said, with me you felt being on cloud nine! You always smiled, together whenever we dined. And that's the reason I always thought everything is fine." "Gone are those days & with time my love has faded, Into a whole new direction my life has headed." "What about those promises that to me you made? What about those tears that my eyes did shed?" "Love is nothing but an illusion dear, It's a sign of weakness and failure." "For every disease


All have a past. But few start living in present projecting a better future letting go of the past. That's the only way for a enjoyable present leading to a bright future. But if you are still living in past. Just let it go... Resurrect yourself for your own good. If pain is real, so is hope. ***** With so many thoughts crossing my brain, My past stands before me making me insane. The people whom I had thought to be rain, They turned out to be strong hurricane. Life is lovely, I always thought; With people lovelier, I was taught. But I can't even explain what I got, With so many demons in past I fought. Evil has gone but has left its scent, Which sometimes makes me faint. It makes me weak with a feeling of I can't, In my soul the demon has made a dent. 'Why me', I can't even ask the Lord, As during success I never asked the same to God. Sometimes I feel like entangled in a cord, And walking alone in an endless roa


HAPPY MAHA SHIVARATRI TO ALL... In this world of development and amazing scientific advancements, the thing that baffles me the most is human behaviour. No one can ignore it, and no one can do anything about it. The variety of behaviour and the plethora of emotions that human beings show leaves me startled and speechless. From your daily experiences, you will surely agree with the statement that human behaviour is completely unpredictable. Sometimes, a grumpy looking man can be the kindest man you met in your life and a pretty looking lady can be the most dangerous woman you have seen in life. And that’s what baffles me. That still people love good looks and never a good heart. They seek a good looking face, than a good heart. When I say this, many people ask me how to know the status of heart in the first meet; and I completely agree to this question. And I will also add that sometimes even a lifetime is a short lifespan to know a person completely. But does that qualify that we r


All must have heard, or themselves would have involved in shaming others body at some point of time. Well, google says " the action or practice of humiliating someone by making mocking or critical comments about their body shape or size" is called body shaming . And I say no to it... What are your takes on it ??? He is as fat as an elephant, And that girl is as dark as coal. The other boy's head can be used for tent, And that girl is as plastic as doll.  Don’t you find it unusual? That in our society these are usual. Why shaming others’ body is so common? Which all know are because of hormones. Who gave us the power? To show someone lower, Based on colour of skin, Or someone being fat or thin? Body shaming is usually termed fun, Till we are not the victim and it’s not our turn. All deserve to live happily whoever is born, No one has right to hurt & make others feel torn. No one can anticipate the harm that’s do


Friends, this Sunday, after a long time, I'm posting a poem and as the title says its about those kisses where love evolves more in our lives. Its about those kisses where promises are made silently... Hope you all like it.. #KissofLove She hugged me and said "You are my King, And our love song with you, I always wanna sing." I whispered in her ears "For a Queen you are, Only a king like me can love and care." She came closer and put her lips on mine, And with us, every star in the sky did shine. I saw her eyes closed and cheeks red, To show her love she was no more afraid. I took her closer and hugged her tighter, An action that said I am nothing without her. And caressing her head and long hairs, Each passing moment of kissing increased my desire. Two minutes had passed and we spoke nothing, But those were the moments our hearts conversed everything. From life till death it will always be you, Even after 100 year


Here presenting the last part of #RegretsInLove , the story of Vivek, Natasha and Shreya. Hope you all like it. The links to first and second part are given below.. E verything I know about myself is false. Who am I? What happened to me? And where is Shreya?? What happened to her??? My body couldn’t take any more stress and I just fell flat on the floor. ......... Link to first part -  REGRETS IN LOVE - PART 1 Link to second part-  REGRETS IN LOVE - PART 2 ........... ........... "Shreya, don't you love me? I can understand I was busy preparing for exams, but now I have got the job and my posting will be mostly here. We can easily make our life wonderful."  "Vivek, you were not available emotionally to me. Everytime I called you, you were busy with your preparations. Even for the sake of love, you could have met me; but no. And I am sorry but Gaurav gave me all those what I had expected from you" Tears were rolling down from Shreya's be


Taking forward the story of Vivek, Natasha and Shreya, here presenting the second part of the story #RegretsInLove. For those who have read the first part, I think will find this interesting. And those who haven't, I request you all to please read the first part and then this part. I hope you all will like this. ......Natasha entered my room with a cup of coffee. How could I ever say her that Shreya was my first love and that bike rider was me? How could I even say that it was not an accident; rather a momentary action from anger? But yes, Natasha was right. The person who did this can never live in peace..... The link to first part is:  FIRST PART OF REGRETS IN LOVE ................ Even while bathing, those past memories came alive. The way I slapped her face and in a feat of rage I drove my bike not knowing I drove it right on her left leg. I just can’t forget all those incidents which haunts me even now. After the bath, while entering my room Natasha called again, “V


Friends, for the first time I have tried to pen a short story instead of a poem. Do give your comments if you liked it or not. Or even if you see areas and scopes for improvement, do mail me or comment below. Hope you all read it till the end. She came close to me and said, “It’s over, dear.” Tears rolled out of my eyes as I sat on my bike and looked her face. I kept on thinking about all my efforts that went in vain. I kept on thinking about all my love that ended nowhere. I wiped my tears and again looked at her; observing her eyes that once twinkled hearing my name; those lips which had made me feel my first kiss; those long black hairs which I always played with; those cheeks which have felt million touches from my fingers and lips. How could she forget all that? How could anybody wipe out all these memories? I looked down to the earth and up to the sky, and I felt as if my life is over right here right now. Breaking my thoughts, Natasha suddenly touched my hands and aske


I have heard a lot of people saying love is worse, its bad. The breakups are terrible. Love makes you cry, etc... Well, I defer and so does love.. So this weekend it will be LOVE saying you all that don't blame it please. I hope you all like this post. Love asked shedding few tears, “Why of me everyone fears? I am not the reason for anyone’s breakup for sure, Rather breakups happen when I die in a relation dear.” I felt the statement by love is absolutely correct, But we humans don’t accept this simple fact; That it’s the person who was not right, And we blame love and with it we fight. Love was never and will never be bad, But we forget its happiness in a moment of sad. Love is hurt as it is always blamed, When people accuse it of being a game which was played. To be truthful, there’s no greater power; Than love to bind us together at this hour. Love is that fountain bearing tower, Below which I would everyday love to take shower.